陪伴我 4 年的及腰长发今日卒,谨以此发文对其表达深切的悼念()
Zero Calorie Drink Shop
更好的 C 语言:Zig 初体验
久闻 Zig 语言大名,作为一众底层语言的有力竞争者,Zig 被常常认为是 better C。Zig 自己也说,“Zig 与 C 竞争,而不是依赖于它”。前天用 Zig 写了一个简单的命令行跨平台贪吃蛇游戏,也算是体验了一下 Zig 的有趣功能。
Practical Foundations for Programming Languages 是 Robert Harper 的一本书,而这是我写的笔记 2
Chapter 4 Statics ¶
Most programming languages exhibit a phase distinction between the static and dynamic phases of processing. The static phase consists of parsing and type checking to ensure that the program is well-formed; the dynamic phase consists of execution of well-formed programs. A language is said to be safe exactly when well-formed programs are well-behaved when executed.
Not so nerdy WWW guidelines for bloggers
A blogging guide, built for minimalists who aren’t quite as nerdy.
PFPL 笔记- I
Practical Foundations for Programming Languages 是 Robert Harper 的一本书,而这是我写的笔记
仿生电子锈会梦到自己变成纯函数式吗:gleam 语言初见
Gleam is a friendly language for building type-safe systems that scale! —— https://gleam.run/
虽然我倒不觉得纯函数式语言能有多 friendly……
用 C++ 写一个玩具 JSON 库
写这个解析器主要是为了看自己的 C++ 水平,毕竟 JSON 是一个同时能做到语法简单的同时考验人的编码水平的 data structure,其次是为了好玩。
DIY std::optional
: Using Universal References in C++
This blog was written entirely because of the item Familiarize yourself with alternatives to overloading on universal references in Effcetive Morden C++. We start with a practical problem trying to emulate std::optional
in C++14, because optional monads are a good paradigm for expressing values that may be null, rather than assuming everything is maybe null which can easily break through the type system.
写下这篇文章完全是因为看到了 Effcetive Morden C++ 中的熟悉通用引用重载的替代方法。我们从一个现实的问题开始,即在 C++14 尝试模拟 std::optional,因为 optional 是表达可能为空的值的时候一个很好的范式,而不是假定一切都可能为 null 并轻易击穿类型系统。
Introduction to Pass Principles
Abstract: Passness is part of the terminology of transition. Passness is the degree of likelihood that a transgender person is socially identified as the gender they identify with, and is a core part of pass theory, which is crucial to the quality of life of transgender people. However, distinguishing passness is not an easy task, and existing theories cannot address this issue well. There are several reasons. First, most known descriptions of passness are non-theoretical and cannot be accurately described by mathematical language. Second, there is a lack of rigorous specifications as a reference to classify a test trans as pass. Third, passness is stateful, and stateful pass testing remains challenging due to the large input space.
In this paper, we propose several new passness testing systems called CBA to address the above challenges related to passness testing.
Programing Language Impressions
Impressions of the programming languages I have come across