Latex 符号大全
Operators ¶
Symbol | Command | Symbol | Command | Symbol | Command |
\pm |
\mp |
\times |
\div |
\cdot |
\ast |
\star |
\dagger |
\ddagger |
\amalg |
\cap |
\cup |
\uplus |
\sqcap |
\sqcup |
\vee |
\wedge |
\oplus |
\ominus |
\otimes |
\circ |
\bullet |
\diamond |
\lhd |
\rhd |
\unlhd |
\unrhd |
\oslash |
\odot |
\bigcirc |
\triangleleft |
\Diamond |
\bigtriangleup |
\bigtriangledown |
\Box |
\triangleright |
\setminus |
\wr |
\sqrt{x} |
x^{\circ} |
\triangledown |
\sqrt[n]{x} |
a^x |
a^{xyz} |
a_x |
Relations ¶
Symbol | Command | Symbol | Command | Symbol | Command |
\le |
\ge |
\neq |
\sim |
\ll |
\gg |
\doteq |
\simeq |
\subset |
\supset |
\approx |
\asymp |
\subseteq |
\supseteq |
\cong |
\smile |
\sqsubset |
\sqsupset |
\equiv |
\frown |
\sqsubseteq |
\sqsupseteq |
\propto |
\bowtie |
\in |
\ni |
\prec |
\succ |
\vdash |
\dashv |
\preceq |
\succeq |
\models |
\perp |
\parallel |
\mid |
\bumpeq |
Negations of many of these relations can be formed by just putting \not before the symbol, or by slipping an “n” between the \ and the word. Here are a couple examples, plus many other negations; it works for many of the many others as well.
Symbol | Command | Symbol | Command | Symbol | Command |
\nmid |
\nleq |
\ngeq |
\nsim |
\ncong |
\nparallel |
\not< |
\not> |
\not= or \neq or \ne |
\not\le |
\not\ge |
\not\sim |
\not\approx |
\not\cong |
\not\equiv |
\not\parallel |
\nless |
\ngtr |
\lneq |
\gneq |
\lnsim |
\lneqq |
\gneqq |
To use other relations not listed here, such as =, >, and <, in LaTeX, you must use the symbols on your keyboard, as they are not available in .
Greek Letters ¶
Lowercase Letters ¶
Symbol | Command | Symbol | Command | Symbol | Command | Symbol | Command |
\alpha |
\beta |
\gamma |
\delta |
\epsilon |
\varepsilon |
\zeta |
\eta |
\theta |
\vartheta |
\iota |
\kappa |
\lambda |
\mu |
\nu |
\xi |
\pi |
\varpi |
\rho |
\varrho |
\sigma |
\varsigma |
\tau |
\upsilon |
\phi |
\varphi |
\chi |
\psi |
\omega |
Capital Letters ¶
Symbol | Command | Symbol | Command | Symbol | Command | Symbol | Command |
\Gamma |
\Delta |
\Theta |
\Lambda |
\Xi |
\Pi |
\Sigma |
\Upsilon |
\Phi |
\Psi |
\Omega |
Arrows ¶
Symbol | Command | Symbol | Command |
\gets |
\to |
\leftarrow |
\Leftarrow |
\rightarrow |
\Rightarrow |
\leftrightarrow |
\Leftrightarrow |
\mapsto |
\hookleftarrow |
\leftharpoonup |
\leftharpoondown |
\rightleftharpoons |
\longleftarrow |
\Longleftarrow |
\longrightarrow |
\Longrightarrow |
\longleftrightarrow |
\Longleftrightarrow |
\longmapsto |
\hookrightarrow |
\rightharpoonup |
\rightharpoondown |
\leadsto |
\uparrow |
\Uparrow |
\downarrow |
\Downarrow |
\updownarrow |
\Updownarrow |
\nearrow |
\searrow |
\swarrow |
\nwarrow |
\overrightarrow{AB} |
\overleftarrow{AB} |
\overleftrightarrow{AB} |
(For those of you who hate typing long strings of letters, \iff and \implies can be used in place of \Longleftrightarrow and \Longrightarrow respectively.)
Dots ¶
Symbol | Command | Symbol | Command |
\cdot |
\vdots |
\dots |
\ddots |
\cdots |
\iddots | \iddots |
Accents ¶
Symbol | Command | Symbol | Command | Symbol | Command |
\hat{x} |
\check{x} |
\dot{x} |
\breve{x} |
\acute{x} |
\ddot{x} |
\grave{x} |
\tilde{x} |
\mathring{x} |
\bar{x} |
\vec{x} |
When applying accents to i and j, you can use \imath and \jmath to keep the dots from interfering with the accents:
Symbol | Command | Symbol | Command |
\vec{\jmath} |
\tilde{\imath} |
\tilde and \hat have wide versions that allow you to accent an expression:
Symbol | Command | Symbol | Command |
\widehat{7+x} |
\widetilde{abc} |
Others ¶
Symbol | Command | Symbol | Command | Symbol | Command |
\infty |
\triangle |
\angle |
\aleph |
\hbar |
\imath |
\jmath |
\ell |
\wp |
\Re |
\Im |
\mho |
\prime |
\emptyset |
\nabla |
\surd |
\partial |
\top |
\bot |
\vdash |
\dashv |
\forall |
\exists |
\neg |
\flat |
\natural |
\sharp |
\backslash |
\Box |
\Diamond |
\clubsuit |
\diamondsuit |
\heartsuit |
\spadesuit |
\Join |
\blacksquare |
\diamondsuit |
\copyright |
\underarc{XYZ} | \underarc{XYZ} |
\heartsuit |
\overarc{ABC} | \overarc{ABC} |
\cup |
\S |
\P |
\Vdash |
\pounds |
\in |
\vDash |
\bigstar |
\implies |
\square |
\smiley | \smiley |
\mathbb{R} (represents all real numbers) |
\checkmark |
\cancer | \cancer |
Note: \cancer and \overarc{ABC} do not work in the classroom.
Command Symbols ¶
Some symbols are used in commands, so they need to be treated in a special way.
Symbol | Command | Symbol | Command | Symbol | Command | Symbol | Command |
\textdollar | \textdollar or $ |
\& |
\% |
\# |
\_ |
\{ |
\} |
\backslash |
(Warning: Using \textdollar\LaTeX$ this is not always a problem.)
European Language Symbols ¶
Symbol | Command | Symbol | Command | Symbol | Command | Symbol | Command |
{\oe} | {\oe} | {\ae} | {\ae} | {\o} | {\o} | ||
{\OE} | {\OE} | {\AE} | {\AE} | {\AA} | {\O} | {\O} | |
{\l} | {\l} | {\ss} | {\ss} | !` | |||
{\L} | {\L} | {\SS} | {\SS} |
Bracketing Symbols ¶
In mathematics, sometimes we need to enclose expressions in brackets, braces or parentheses. Some of these work just as you’d imagine in LaTeX; type ( and ) for parentheses, [ and ] for brackets, and | and | for absolute value. However, other symbols have special commands:
Symbol | Command | Symbol | Command | Symbol | Command |
\{ |
\} |
| |
\backslash |
\lfloor |
\rfloor |
\lceil |
\rceil |
\langle |
\rangle |
You might notice that if you use any of these to typeset an expression that is vertically large, like
(\frac{a}{x} )^2
the parentheses don’t come out the right size:
If we put \left and \right before the relevant parentheses, we get a prettier expression:
\left(\frac{a}{x} \right)^2
For systems of equations or piecewise functions, use the cases environment:
f(x) = \begin{cases} x^2 & x \ge 0 \\ x & x < 0 \end{cases}
which gives
In addition to the \left and \right commands, when doing floor or ceiling functions with fractions, using \left\lceil\frac{x}{y}\right\rceil
and \left\lfloor\frac{x}{y}\right\rfloor
gives both and , respectively.
And, if you type this
and \right
can also be used to resize the following symbols:
Symbol | Command | Symbol | Command | Symbol | Command |
\uparrow |
\downarrow |
\updownarrow |
\Uparrow |
\Downarrow |
\Updownarrow |
Multi-Size Symbols ¶
Some symbols render differently in inline math mode and in display mode. Display mode occurs when you use \[...\]
or $$...$$
, or environments like
. Read more in the commands section of the guide about how symbols which take arguments above and below the symbols, such as a summation symbol, behave in the two modes.
In each of the following, the two images show the symbol in display mode, then in inline mode.