一篇简短的笔记,为 Misskey 开启 Meilisearch 后,重新索引过去的帖子。
首先编写这样一个 SQL 文件
SELECT json_agg(row_to_json(n.* )) FROM ( SELECT "id", "userId", "channelId", "cw", "text", "tags" FROM "note" WHERE ("note"."visibility" = 'public' OR "note"."visibility" = 'home' ) AND ("note"."text" IS NOT NULL ) AND ("note"."uri" IS NULL ) ORDER BY id desc ) n
我们不妨保存它为 get_notes.sql
这个 SQL 的意思很显然,就是从帖子表中找到 public
或 home
可见性的本地帖子 (uri is null
) 并输出成 JSON
然后执行它,得到一个 notes.json
psql -d {your_db_name} -t -f get_notes.sql > notes.json
然后创建一个 send_notes.mjs
。最前方的 config 请用你的 misskey 的 .config/default.yml
内关于 Meilisearch 的部分替换。
import fs from "fs" ;const config = { "ms_url" : "" , "api_key" : "YOUR_API_KEY" , "index" : "YOUR_INDEX" } const headers = { "Content-Type" : "application/json" , "Authorization" : `Bearer ${config.api_key} ` } const notes = JSON .parse (fs.readFileSync ("notes.json" ));function parseAid (id ) { const TIME2000 = 946684800000 ; const time = parseInt (id.slice (0 , 8 ), 36 ) + TIME2000 ; return time; } for (const note of notes) { note.createdAt = parseAid (note.id ); note.userHost = null ; } console .log ("Reindexing" , notes.length , "notes" );fetch (config.ms_url + `/indexes/${config.index} ---notes/documents?primaryKey=id` , { method : "POST" , headers, body : JSON .stringify (notes), }).then ((res ) => res.text ()) .then (text => { console .log (text); });
执行 node send_note.mjs
, 如果成功把帖子送给了 Meilisearch 进行索引,我们应该能看到像这样的输出内容:
{ "taskUid" : 9241 , "indexUid" : "shonk_social---notes" , "status" : "enqueued" , "type" : "documentAdditionOrUpdate" , "enqueuedAt" : "2024-09-07T06:31:44.177026811Z" }
如果要查看索引进度,记下 taskUid
curl -s 'http://localhost:7700/tasks/{taskUid}' -H "Authorization: Bearer {your_api_key}" | jq .